Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Very Happy New Year

2014 has been the most amazing year of my life. It all began with the birth of my perfect son in May and ended with me getting a new job.

I cannot wait to start new things. Change is good! I will be sad to leave the people I have worked closely with over the last few years. These people have become my friends and I know I will continue to remain close with them.

I know 2015 will be a fabulous year! So many good things to look forward to, including traveling with my little man.

Being a mom has taught me that I can be selfless instead of selfish. I want to be able to give my little boy everything his heart desires. I'm hoping this new job change will give me even more opportunities in life and teach me new things.

Personal growth is important to me. Learning new things and keeping up with the changing world is something I want to continue to do. I also want to continue writing more and sharing more of my life in this blog.

But first I just want to enjoy my holidays and New Year with my family!!